In 1452, Gutenberg conceived the idea for movable type. In his workshop, he brought together the technologies of paper, oil-based ink and the wine-press to print books. The printing press is not a single invention. It is the aggregation, in one place, of technologies known for centuries before Gutenberg.
The market was there for books and other print, and the potential for filling the demand, but the transport and control and "advertising" mechanisms were not in place.
Five hundred+ years later technological improvements have created an integrated industry for print, design and communications that has revolutionized commerce.
Pow! Bam! Wow! Here come the 1980’s and the advent of “desktop publishing”. Everyone with a computer is sitting & watching AutoSketch draw graphics line by line and hour by hour. Ho hum!
In the 21st. Century most professional graphic designers own their own equipment, work at home, and handle huge amounts of design projects on multi-gigabyte or terra-byte laptop computers. Top echelon designers are very competitive and produce designs on a fine-art level. Virtually every aspect of life is influenced and dependent upon good design.
eraserhead is the newest incarnation of an artist having worked professionally since 1984. An artist you know and a company you can trust ... with services you can afford.
Website Development
Book and CD Covers
Magazines & Newspapers
Business Design and Image
Manuals & Product Inserts
Product Labeling
Corporate Image
Original Art/Clip Art
“If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.” Red Adaire
Your Website is one of the linchpins of a successful business enterprise. eraserhead's artist was one of the first in this area to create and publish a comprehensive website.
Content management, research and composition for page text is a specialty of Sleeping Dragon.
The goal is for sites to have clear graphics, fast loads and ease of transportation from page to page. Basic websites start with three pages for new businesses and can expand at the same rate as your business.
Need to sell some overstocked merchandise? List it on one of the Online Stores. Save yourself the time and hassle, we will take care of all the details.
Direct Mail is another method to stimulate business. We can design and write your direct mail pieces for post or email.
Build your business with a Graphic Email Newsletter Program. Color is the dynamic medium here. Combine images with impact and clear text to draw clients to your business. We can also start a blog for your company or event.
Small Business Websites
Personal Websites
Graphic Ezines
Web Marketing Research
Internet Sales
Search Engine Science
OK! Your name is in Print, you have a Web presence and you’re telling the story with a colorful E-newsletter. It’s time for a real killer in-person Presentation or Event. We can do that!
Image is Everything! So, you want your specifications custom designed. Whether you are fundraising, teaching, delivering an annual report or inspirational message ... You want to look your best.