The economic prognosis is looking a little rosier. A long slow climb back to prosperity will be the reward for businesses that can hold on and find a niche to attract revenue. Part of that is building your image.

When the going gets tough the tough advertise. The tough also continue to give honest good service to all customers. Customer satisfaction is the number one business builder in the world. When you have a surly and unhappy customer you have the greatest opportunity to increase your business you will ever have. When you turn a grrrr into a purr you will have a customer for life ...who will send all her friends to you as well.

Start with birthday greetings. If you use email, make it personal and cheerful. If you use snail mail personally sign the greeting. Take business cards everywhere you go and make sure your email and web address is clear. One 501C3 I know of just made $25,000 because a supporter found their web site on the internet. Do it and do it now!

Start a blog, sign your business up on a social networking site. Keep all your internet attractions updated. Answer all your business email. Keep a record of each customer and how many times you have contacted that person by mail, phone, email and personal means. Soon a pattern will build up and you will see how good manners bring in good business.

A client refused to pay a bill after I gave more than 100% to satisfy him. The work was approved and I was happy to put my name on it. Still he refused to pay. I have had at least 20 opportunities to recommend a paying client to his business, but I never ever will. How much do you suppose his non-payment ended up costing him?

I can develop a web site for you, create a blog, set you up on a social networking site, create an icon for you personally or your business, layout your business cards, design a logo and many other projects. I have done all this since 1984 and published 3 magazines of my own. I want to help you succeed.

Do you want to continue to do business without a plan?

Call eraserhead graphic studio and let's talk.